
Second OWI Attorney in Detroit

Repeat offense drunk driving charges are exceptionally serious, and anyone accused of committing an OWI offense needs to contact an experienced attorney as soon as possible. While 2nd offense DUI charges will still most likely result in misdemeanor charges, the penalties you could potentially face are severely enhanced, and it is critical that you fight back throughout investigation, pre-file, and potential trial. Without an attorney, you could be at risk to be wrongfully conviction, or may be sentenced to harsh punishment that could be avoided. Our DUI lawyers in Detroit have the skill and experience needed to help you fight back against false allegations and shaky evidence, and will do whatever it takes to help you achieve the best possible case result.

Repeat Offense Drunk Driving Defense in Detroit

Grabel & Associates is available 24/7 to begin working with clients in Detroit and statewide, and we are dedicated to doing whatever it takes to fight conviction after a second OWI offense in Michigan. Our DUI defense team has been working with clients statewide in even the toughest legal situations for over 10 years, and we have learned the strategies that are effective in Operating While Intoxicated cases. Our aggressive criminal defense tactics have been proven in thousands of past criminal cases statewide, and we boast extensive relevant experience in DUI cases.

Begin your fight for justice now with Scott Grabel and our experienced defense team. We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to begin working together towards an exceptional case outcome.

Second DUI Offense in Detroit

It is illegal to drive with a BAC over 0.08% in Michigan if you are driving on a standard adult driver’s license, and illegal for commercial license holders to drive with a BAC over 0.04%. In addition, underage drivers cannot legally drive with a BAC over 0.02%, under Michigan’s Zero Tolerance law, until reaching the age of 21.

Driving with an unlawful blood alcohol level can lead to extremely serious Operating While Intoxicated charges, which could result in jail time, fines, a criminal record, license sanctions, and additional punishment. Anyone accused of violating Michigan drunk driving laws as outlined in Section 257.625 of the Vehicle Code should contact an attorney immediately. The beginning stages of a criminal drunk driving case are essential if you want to achieve the best possible case outcome. We are available now to begin working with you or your loved one who is faced with a criminal case.

If a person already has a conviction on record that was incurred within the past 7 years, DUI accusations are all the more serious. Our lawyers have experience working with alleged repeat offenders and know what it takes to win in tough cases. Contact or team and protect your rights as police and prosecutors work to build a case against you.

Criminal Penalties for Repeat Offender DUI Charges in Michigan

Our Detroit OWI attorneys are committed to doing whatever it takes to help you avoid unnecessarily harsh penalties and wrongful accusations, and know what you need to demonstrate if you are going to achieve an excellent outcome. If convicted, you could face serious punishment, which may include:

  • Jail time: up to 1 year, minimum of 5 days.
  • Fines: Between $200 and $1,000.
  • License suspension or revocation: One year to indefinite, pending successful appeal hearing.
  • IID installation requirement.
  • Community service: 30 to 90 days.
  • A criminal record.
  • Mandatory DUI classes.

These potentially life-changing penalties could drastically affect your future, and you need a skilled and experienced attorney on your side throughout every stage of your case if you are going to defend your freedom. Under the direction of trial lawyer Scott Grabel, our team will do whatever we can to help you protect yourself and your best interests throughout your case.

Our Approach to Michigan Criminal DUI Defense

When you face potential drunk driving conviction, you need a Detroit OWI lawyer on your side who will stand with you throughout every stage of the process and firmly defend your right to be viewed as innocent unless proven guilty. Our lawyers know how to develop strategies tailored to your unique case and understand the legal issues, courts, and judges that are specific to your area.

Contact Grabel & Associates for 24/7 OWI Defense

Speak with a lawyer right now; contact Grabel & Associates at 1-800-342-7896 toll free, or online through our contact page. Recognized trial attorney Scott Grabel is available 24/7 to take your case, and either him or another one of our dedicated attorneys will provide you with a free initial case consultation right away. Don’t hesitate; every second you wait could be critical as police are already gathering evidence that could be used against you. Fight back with Grabel & Associates in Detroit or anywhere else in Michigan today.

Client Reviews
If you are reading these reviews you are about to make a decision that will have a large impact on the rest of your life. I choose Grabel and Associates to represent me in my case and I could not have been more satisfied with the level of professionalism and dedication to their clients. I had the opportunity to meet and work with multiple lawyers in the practice all of which showcased a vast knowledge and understanding of the inner workings of the legal system. When you choose Scott Grabel to represent you will open yourself up to all of his resources. Depending on your case Grabel knows experts in all fields. I worked with polygraph examiners, investigators, and forensics experts. Grabel and Associates will defend without prejudice of innocence or guilt. Scott Grabel was able to lead me through every step of the process with great communication the whole way. I would recommend Scott Grabel and Associates to my friends, family and anyone who is in need of representation. B. A.
Best attorney in state of Michigan. Caring and a true friend. Scott was with us every step of the way. He fought for a great injustice for our son and was able to provide an outcome that gave his life back. L. A.
Scott and his firm did an awesome job representing a family member of mine, I would highly recommend him and his firm! They were extremely reliable, trustworthy and very informative and did a great job with the case. I couldn't be happier with the results that we received, I can't speak highly enough about the great job he did. If you are thinking about using his firm, I would highly recommend, I would definitely use his firm again if needed, he is an a great attorney with a great firm, you won't be disappointed! M. F.
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