
Muskegon Prostitution and Solicitation Attorney

Prostitution and soliciting sex from a prostitute are serious criminal charges, which carry very harsh criminal penalties in addition to the damage they can have on a person’s reputation. Anyone accused of soliciting a prostitute in Muskegon, or who has been charged with performing sex acts in exchange for money, goods, or services, should contact an attorney immediately and fight back against potential conviction. While prostitution and solicitation are misdemeanor charge, the penalties that a person can face if convicted are still very severe. Grabel & Associates has extensive experience fighting for clients in Muskegon and statewide in prostitution and solicitation cases, and we know what it takes to protect against damaging conviction.

Soliciting Sex – Defense Lawyer for Misdemeanor and Felony Sex Crime Charges

Under the direction of award-winning trial attorney Scott Grabel, our talented team has been defending Michigan’s accused for over 10 years. Our sex crimes lawyers in Muskegon have the skill and experience needed to help you achieve the best possible case outcome, no matter what the specifics of your situation, and we will not rest until you feel you have been comprehensively protected and your best interests have been thoroughly defended. Our lawyers are committed to protecting clients against wrongful conviction, as well as the excessive penalties and enhanced charges that can result in Michigan sex crimes cases. Contact Scott Grabel or another member of our sex offense team now and begin your battle for a just outcome. We are always available to begin working with you in your uniquely important case.

Prostitution Charges and Penalties

Engaging in any sexual activity for money, goods, or services can lead to prostitution charges, and anyone who is convicted of prostitution will face misdemeanor conviction, up to 93 days in jail, and a fine of as much as $500. If that person already has a conviction on record for a prostitution-related offense, he or she can be sentenced to a year in prison and a fine of up to $1,000. Three-time offenders can face felony conviction, up to two years in prison, and a fine of $2,000.

Receiving the earnings of a prostitute (acting as a “pimp”), is a felony charge, which can result in up to 20 years in prison. Transporting a female for the purpose of prostitution can also lead to a 20-year felony sentence.

Leasing a house used for prostitution in Muskegon can lead to a fine of up to $750, and up to 6 months in prison, while maintaining a house used for the purpose of prostitution can result in up to 5 years in prison, and a fine of as much as $2,500.

Anyone convicted of a prostitution-related offense could be registered as a sex offender in Michigan, and may be prohibited from holding certain jobs, such as those that involve working in a school. Read more about the charges and penalties for prostitution in Muskegon in the Michigan Penal Code.

Solicitation Charges and Penalties

Soliciting a person to commit an act of prostitution, via word, gesture, or any other means is also illegal, and can lead to up to 93 days in prison and a fine of up to $500 for a first offense, according to the Michigan Penal Code. If you commit a second solicitation offense in Muskegon, you could face up to a year behind bars and double the fines you would face for a first offense. The potential jail sentence and fine doubles again for third-time offenders, with up to 2 years in prison and a fine of $2,000 on the line.

No matter what the specific details of your case, it is essential that you begin working with an attorney right away to fight back against conviction and potentially life-changing penalties. Our lawyers are available now to protect your reputation and defend your innocence, in Muskegon or anywhere else in Michigan.

Our Approach to Prostitution and Solicitation Defense

Our team knows how serious a prostitution or solicitation charge can turn out to be, and we have extensive experience protecting clients in even the toughest cases. Our lawyers know what it takes to win and will commit as much time and effort as needed to your case, developing a unique case approach based on the specific details of your situation and aggressively fighting back against overzealous police and prosecutors who will be trying to put you behind bars. Our team is always available for clients statewide, regardless of the stage of your case you are currently facing.

Contact Grabel & Associates for 24/7 Prostitution and Solicitation Defense

Our lawyers are always available to provide you with a free consultation at our toll free number, 1-800-342-7896. Never speak to police before you are able to consult with an attorney. We are available 24/7 by phone or contact us online to begin guiding you through the steps you need to take to avoid conviction.

Client Reviews
If you are reading these reviews you are about to make a decision that will have a large impact on the rest of your life. I choose Grabel and Associates to represent me in my case and I could not have been more satisfied with the level of professionalism and dedication to their clients. I had the opportunity to meet and work with multiple lawyers in the practice all of which showcased a vast knowledge and understanding of the inner workings of the legal system. When you choose Scott Grabel to represent you will open yourself up to all of his resources. Depending on your case Grabel knows experts in all fields. I worked with polygraph examiners, investigators, and forensics experts. Grabel and Associates will defend without prejudice of innocence or guilt. Scott Grabel was able to lead me through every step of the process with great communication the whole way. I would recommend Scott Grabel and Associates to my friends, family and anyone who is in need of representation. B. A.
Best attorney in state of Michigan. Caring and a true friend. Scott was with us every step of the way. He fought for a great injustice for our son and was able to provide an outcome that gave his life back. L. A.
Scott and his firm did an awesome job representing a family member of mine, I would highly recommend him and his firm! They were extremely reliable, trustworthy and very informative and did a great job with the case. I couldn't be happier with the results that we received, I can't speak highly enough about the great job he did. If you are thinking about using his firm, I would highly recommend, I would definitely use his firm again if needed, he is an a great attorney with a great firm, you won't be disappointed! M. F.
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